Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

LAST UPDATE 09/04/2024

This privacy policy (“Policy”) describes how Watt2Trade SAPI de CV. (“Company”, “we”, “our”, or “us”)collects, uses, shares, and stores personal information of users of itswebsites, (collectively, “Services”) on or in which it is posted, linked,or referenced. 



By using the Services, you accept the terms of thisPolicy and our Terms of Use, and consent to our collection, use, disclosure,and retention of your information as described in this Policy.  If you havenot done so already, please also review our terms of use. The terms of usecontain provisions that limit our liability to you and require you to resolveany dispute with us on an individual basis and not as part of any class orrepresentative action. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY PART OF THIS PRIVACY POLICYOR OUR TERMS OF USE, THEN PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY OF THE SERVICES.



We get information about you in a range ofways. 

Information You Give Us. 

Information we collect from you may include:

  • Identity information, such as your first name,     last name, username or similar identifier, title, date of birth and     gender;
  • Contact information, such as your postal     address, email address and telephone number;
  • Profile information, such as your username and     password, interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses;
  • Feedback and correspondence, such as     information you provide in your responses to surveys, when you participate     in market research activities, report a problem with Service, receive     customer support or otherwise correspond with us;
  • Financial information, such as your credit     card or other payment card details;
  • Transaction information, such details about     purchases you make through the Service and billing details;
  • Usage information, such as information about     how you use the Service and interact with us;
  • Marketing information, such as your     preferences for receiving marketing communications and details about how     you engage with them;
  • Financial information, such as bank account     number and bank routing number; financial assets holdings; and
  • Technical information, such as your Ethereum     wallet address, application programming interface (API)-key and network     information regarding transactions.

Further Information You Give Us In Relation to the Watt2TradeSite and Watt2Trade Services. Further information we collect from you in relation to include:

  • Further identity information, such as your     country of birth, nationality, social security number, place of birth,     employer and occupation;
  • Passport and/or photo ID for identity     verification purposes; 
  • Information required to comply with anti-money     laundering (AML) laws and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements (such as     nationality and place of birth); 
  • Source of funds for participating in token     launches; and
  • Information that you give us in relation to     your purchased token holdings, such as earnings received from staking,     trading, and the number of tokens in your wallet.

Log Files

We may automatically record certain informationabout how you use our Sites (we refer to this information as “Log Data“). LogData may include information such as a user’s Internet Protocol (IP) address,device and browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), operating system, the pages or features of ourSites to which a user browsed and the time spent on those pages or features,the frequency with which the Sites are used by a user, search terms, the linkson our Sites that a user clicked on or used, and other statistics. We use thisinformation to administer the Service and we analyze (and may engage thirdparties to analyze) this information to improve and enhance the Service byexpanding its features and functionality and tailoring it to our users’ needsand preferences.

We may use cookies, local storage or similartechnologies to analyze trends, administer the Sites, track users’ movementsaround the Sites, and to gather demographic information about our user base asa whole. Users can control the use of cookies and local storage at theindividual browser level.

Cookies and Web Beacons

Like any other website, Watt2Trade uses"cookies". These cookies are used to store information includingvisitors' preferences, and the pages on the website that the visitor accessedor visited. The information is used to optimize the users' experience bycustomizing our web page content based on visitors' browser type and/or otherinformation.

Information we will never collect.

We will never ask you to share your private keys orwallet seed. Never trust anyone or any site that asks you to enter your privatekeys or wallet seed.



To provide our service

We will use your personal information in thefollowing ways:

  • To enable you to access and use the Services
  • To process and complete transactions, and send     you related information, including purchase confirmations and invoices
  • To send information, including confirmations,     technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative     messages.
  • Provide, operate, and     maintain our website
  • Improve, personalize,     and expand our website
  • Understand and analyze     how you use our website
  • Develop new products,     services, features, and functionality
  • Communicate with you,     either directly or through one of our partners, including for customer     service, to provide you with updates and other information relating to the     website, and for marketing and promotional purposes
  • Find     and prevent fraud

To comply with law

We use your personal information as we believenecessary or appropriate to comply with applicable laws (including anti-moneylaundering (AML) laws and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements), lawfulrequests and legal process, such as to respond to subpoenas or requests from governmentauthorities.  

To communicate with you

We use your personal information to communicateabout promotions, upcoming events, and other news about products and servicesoffered by us and our selected partners.

To optimize our platform

In order to optimize your user experience, we mayuse your personal information to operate, maintain, and improve our Services.We may also use your information to respond to your comments and questionsregarding the Services, and to provide you and other users with generalcustomer service. 

With your consent

We may use or share your personal information withyour consent, such as when you consent to let us post your testimonials orendorsements on our Sites, you instruct us to take a specific action withrespect to your personal information, or you opt into third party marketingcommunications.

For compliance, fraud prevention, and safety

We may use your personal information to protect,investigate, and deter against fraudulent, unauthorized, or illegal activity.



We do not share the personal information that youprovide us with other organizations without your express consent, except asdescribed in this Privacy Policy. We disclose personal information to thirdparties under the following circumstances:

  • Affiliates. We may disclose your personal     information to our subsidiaries and corporate affiliates (i.e. our family     of companies that are related by common ownership or control) for purposes     consistent with this Privacy Policy.
  • Business Transfers. We may share personal     information when we do a business deal, or negotiate a business deal,     involving the sale or transfer of all or a part of our business or assets.     These deals can include any merger, financing, acquisition, or bankruptcy     transaction or proceeding.
  • Compliance with Laws and Law Enforcement;     Protection and Safety. We may     share personal information for legal, protection, and safety purposes.some text
    • We may share information to comply with laws,      including KYC and AML requirements.
    • We may share information to respond to lawful      requests and legal processes.
    • We may share information to protect the      rights and property of the Company, our agents, customers, and others.      This includes enforcing our agreements, policies, and terms of use.
    • We may share information in an emergency.      This includes protecting the safety of our employees and agents, our      customers, or any person.
  • Professional Advisors and Service     Providers. We may     share information with those who need it to do work for us. These     recipients may include third party companies and individuals to administer     and provide the Service on our behalf (such as bill and credit card     payment processing, customer support, hosting, email delivery and database     management services), as well as lawyers, bankers, auditors, and insurers.
  • Other. You may permit us to share your personal     information with other companies or entities of your choosing. Those uses     will be subject to the privacy policies of the recipient entity or     entities.

We may also share aggregated and/or anonymized datawith others for their own uses.



The Company has offices outside of the EU and hasaffiliates and service providers in the United States and in other countries.Your personal information may be transferred to or from the United States orother locations outside of your state, province, country or other governmentaljurisdiction where privacy laws may not be as protective as those in yourjurisdiction.

EU users should read the important information providedbelow about transfer of personal information outside of the EuropeanEconomic Area (EEA).



We retain information we collect as long as it isnecessary and relevant to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy.In addition, we retain personal information to comply with applicable law whererequired, prevent fraud, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist withany investigation, enforce our Terms of Use, and other actions permitted bylaw. To determine the appropriate retention period for personalinformation, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personalinformation, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure ofyour personal information, the purposes for which we process your personalinformation and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, andthe applicable legal requirements.

In some circumstances we may anonymize yourpersonal information (so that it can no longer be associated with you) in whichcase we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.

We employ industry standard security measuresdesigned to protect the security of all information submitted through theServices. However, the security of information transmitted through the internetcan never be guaranteed. We are not responsible for any interception orinterruption of any communications through the internet or for changes to orlosses of data. Users of the Services are responsible for maintaining thesecurity of any password, biometrics, user ID or other form of authenticationinvolved in obtaining access to password protected or secure areas of any ofour digital services. In order to protect you and your data, we may suspendyour use of any of the Services, without notice, pending an investigation, ifany breach of security is suspected.



Accessing, Updating, Correcting, and Deleting yourInformation

You may access information that you havevoluntarily provided through your account on the Services, and to review,correct, or delete it by sending a request to Youcan request to change contact choices, opt-out of our sharing with others, andupdate your personal information and preferences.

 Children's Information

Another part of our priority isadding protection for children while using the internet. We encourage parentsand guardians to observe, participate in, and/or monitor and guide their onlineactivity.

If you are under the age of majority in yourjurisdiction of residence, you may use the Services only with the consent of orunder the supervision of your parent or legal guardian. Consistent with therequirements of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), if welearn that we have received any information directly from a child under age 13without first receiving his or her parent’s verified consent, we will use thatinformation only to respond directly to that child (or his or her parent or legalguardian) to inform the child that he or she cannot use the Sites andsubsequently we will delete that information.

Watt2Trade does not knowingly collectany Personal Identifiable Information from children under the age of 13. If youthink that your child provided this kind of information on our website, westrongly encourage you to contact us immediately and we will do our bestefforts to promptly remove such information from our records.



You may instruct us not to use your contactinformation to contact you regarding services, promotions, surveys and specialevents that might appeal to your interests by contacting us using the informationbelow. You can also opt out by following the instructions located at the bottomof any commercial emails messages you may receive.

Please note that, regardless of your request, wemay still use and share certain information as permitted by applicable law. Forexample, you may not opt out of certain operational emails, such as thosereflecting our relationship or transactions with you, or importantnotifications regarding the Services we are providing to you, such asservice-related announcements (e.g., if our Services are temporarily suspendedfor maintenance).

Or, if you have downloaded our mobile applicationand enabled push notifications on your mobile device, we may send you alertsand notifications through push notifications, for example, to communicatestatus updates on our Services. However, you may choose to disable thesenotifications (except for the initial notification intended to verify youridentity).



Watt2Trade's Privacy Policy does not applyto other advertisers or websites. Thus, we are advising you to consult therespective Privacy Policies ofthese third-party ad servers for more detailed information. It may includetheir practices and instructions about how to opt-out of certain options. 

You can choose todisable cookies through your individual browser options. To know more detailedinformation about cookie management with specific web browsers, it can be foundat the browsers' respective websites.



In the event that our Sites link to other websitesthat include our branding, this Privacy Notice does not apply to those otherwebsites. Visitors to those websites are advised to carefully read the noticeson those individual websites.



We may change this privacy policy at any time. Weencourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information onour privacy practices. If we make any changes, we will change the Last Updateddate above.

Any modifications to this Privacy Policy will beeffective upon our posting of the new terms and/or upon implementation of thechanges to the Sites (or as otherwise indicated at the time of posting). In allcases, your continued use of the Sites or Services after the posting of anymodified Privacy Policy indicates your acceptance of the terms of the modifiedPrivacy Policy.



We welcome your comments or questions about thisPolicy, and you may contact us at: 


or write to us at:

Watt2Trade SAPI de CV

Manuel Avila Camacho 118, Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, México.



Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3,California users are entitled to the following consumer rights notice:California residents may reach the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division ofConsumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs by mail at1625 North Market Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95834, or by telephone at (916)445-1254 or (800) 952-5210.

This section provides additional details about thepersonal information we collect about California consumers and the rights affordedto them under the California Consumer Privacy Act or “CCPA.”

For more details about the personal information, wecollect from you, please see the “What We Collect” section above. We collectthis information for the business and commercial purposes described in the “Useof Personal Information” section above. We share this information with thecategories of third parties described in the “Sharing of Personal Information”section above. Company does not sell (as such term is defined in the CCPA) thepersonal information we collect (and will not sell it without providing a rightto opt out).

Subject to certain limitations, the CCPA providesCalifornia consumers the right to request to know more details about thecategories or specific pieces of personal information we collect (including howwe use and disclose this information), to delete their personal information, toopt out of any “sales” that may be occurring, and to not be discriminatedagainst for exercising these rights.

California consumers may make a request pursuant totheir rights under the CCPA by contacting us at Pleasenote that you must verify your identity and request before further action istaken. As a part of this process, government identification may be required.Consistent with California law, you may designate an authorized agent to make arequest on your behalf. In order to designate an authorized agent to make arequest on your behalf, you must provide a valid power of attorney, the requester’svalid government issued identification, and the authorized agent’s validgovernment issued identification.



Personal Information

With respect to EU data subjects, “personalinformation,” as used in this Privacy Policy, is equivalent to “personaldata” as defined in the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

Sensitive Data

Some of the information you provide us mayconstitute sensitive data as defined in the GDPR (also referred to as specialcategories of personal data), including identification of your race orethnicity on government-issued identification documents.

Legal Bases for Processing

We only use your personal information as permittedby law. We are required to inform you of the legal bases of our processing ofyour personal information, which are described in the table below. If you havequestions about the legal bases under which we process your personalinformation, contact

Processing  Purpose

Legal  Basis

To  provide our service

Our processing of your personal information is  necessary to perform the contract governing our provision of the Services or  to take steps that you request prior to signing up for the Service.

To communicate with you

To optimize our platform

For compliance, fraud prevention, and safety

To provide our service

These processing activities constitute our  legitimate interests. We make sure we consider and balance any potential  impacts on you (both positive and negative) and your rights before we process  your personal information for our legitimate interests. We do not use your  personal information for activities where our interests are overridden by any  adverse impact on you (unless we have your consent or are otherwise required  or permitted to by law).

To  comply with law

We use your personal information to comply with  applicable laws and our legal obligations, including anti-money laundering  (AML) laws and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements.

With  your consent

Where our use of your personal information is  based upon your consent, you have the right to withdraw it anytime in the  manner indicated in the Service or by contacting us at

Use for New Purposes

We may use your personal information for reasonsnot described in this Privacy Policy, where we are permitted by law to do soand where the reason is compatible with the purpose for which we collected it.If we need to use your personal information for an unrelated purpose, we willnotify you and explain the applicable legal basis for that use. If we haverelied upon your consent for a particular use of your personal information, wewill seek your consent for any unrelated purpose.

Your Rights

Under the GDPR, you have certain rights regardingyour personal information. You may ask us to take the following actions inrelation to your personal information that we hold:

  • Opt-out. Stop sending you direct marketing     communications which you have previously consented to receive. We may     continue to send you Service-related and other non-marketing     communications.
  • Access. Provide you with information about our     processing of your personal information and give you access to your     personal information.
  • Correct. Update or correct inaccuracies in your     personal information.
  • Delete.     Delete your personal information.
  • Transfer. Transfer a machine-readable copy of your     personal information to you or a third party of your choice.
  • Restrict. Restrict the processing of your personal     information.
  • Object. Object to our reliance on our legitimate     interests as the basis of our processing of your personal information that     impacts your rights.

You can submit these requests by emailto We may request specific information fromyou to help us confirm your identity and process your request. Applicable lawmay require or permit us to decline your request. If we decline your request,we will tell you why, subject to legal restrictions. If you would like tosubmit a complaint about our use of your personal information or response toyour requests regarding your personal information, you may contact usat or submit a complaint to the dataprotection regulator in your jurisdiction. You can find your data protectionregulator here.

Cross-Border Data Transfer

Please be aware that your personal data will betransferred to, processed, and stored in the United States. Data protectionlaws in the U.S. may be different from those in your country of residence. Youconsent to the transfer of your information, including personal information, tothe U.S. as set forth in this Privacy Policy by visiting our Sites or using ourservice.

Whenever we transfer your personal information outof the EEA to the U.S. or countries not deemed by the European Commission toprovide an adequate level of personal information protection, the transfer willbe based on a data transfer mechanism recognized by the European Commission asproviding adequate protection for personal information.

Please contact us if you want further information on the specificmechanism used by us when transferring your personal information out of theEEA.




Watt2Trade,S.A.P.I. DE C.V (en lo sucesivo “Watt2Trade") con domicilio Blvd. Manuel Ávila Camacho 118, Lomas de Chapultepec V Sección, Del.Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11000 en la Ciudad de México, México, le hace saber a losusuarios del sitio Web; clientes y quienes nos contactan vía telefónica o correoelectrónico, que Watt2Trade obtiene sus datos personales, en virtud del llenadode los formularios del sitio Web, la prestación o contratación de algúnservicio y/o su contacto directo vía correo electrónico, telefónico o redessociales.

Porlo que, en términos de lo señalado por la LEY FEDERAL DE PROTECCIÓN DE DATOSPERSONALES EN POSESIÓN DE LOS PARTICULARES (la “Ley”), manifiesta que los datospersonales que sean proporcionados a Watt2Trade tendrán un tratamientolegítimo, controlado e informado, a efecto de garantizar la privacidad y elderecho a la autodeterminación de los Usuarios.



Alusar los Servicios, usted acepta los términos de esta Política de Términos deUsos y Condiciones, y da su consentimiento para que recopilemos, usemos,divulguemos y retengamos su información como se describe en esta Política. Siaún no lo ha hecho, consulte también nuestras condiciones de uso. Los términosde uso contienen disposiciones que limitan nuestra responsabilidad hacia ustedy requieren que resuelva cualquier disputa con nosotros de forma individual yno como parte de una acción colectiva o representativa. SI NO ESTÁ DE ACUERDOCON ALGUNA PARTE DE ESTA POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD O NUESTROS TÉRMINOS DE USO,ENTONCES NO UTILICE NINGUNO DE LOS SERVICIOS.


ElTitular ha designado un Delegado de Protección de datos personales (DPD), aquien podrá dirigirse escribiendo a la siguiente dirección de correoelectrónico

Recuerdeque usted es responsable de enviar o completar los datos personales a través delas solicitudes, preguntas, registros, formularios, formatos, correoselectrónicos que al efecto se soliciten o pongan a disposición a través de estesitio Web, redes, Internet o de forma telefónica. Watt2Trade podrá solicitar ytratar los siguientes datos dependiendo la finalidad:

·       Permitir el uso de todas las funcionalidades del Sitio.

·       Ejecución de un contrato.

·       Controlar el funcionamiento correcto del Sitio.

·       Verificación de responsabilidad en el caso de delitosinformáticos en perjuicio del Sitio; reconocimiento, prevención, mitigación yverificación de actividades fraudulentas o ilegales relacionadas con losservicios que provee el Sitio; desarrollo de los controles de seguridadestablecidos por ley.

·       Interés legítimo.

·       Dar respuesta a una pregunta o a una solicitud adelantada delinteresado.

·       Ejecución de medidas precontractuales adoptadas según lasolicitud del interesado.

·       Desempeño de Watt2Trade, empresas matrices, filiales ovinculadas a ella, o socios comerciales de Watt2Trade, para realizar estudiosde mercado, ventas directas, también por teléfono, para la venta de productos oservicios, para comunicación comercial o actividades de marketing. Estasactividades podrán realizarse con el envío de material publicitario, informativo,promocional o con invitaciones a través de los canales tradicionales (porejemplo, correo en papel) o sistemas automatizados de contacto (por ejemplo,SMS o e-mail).

·       Consentimiento del interesado


·       Ofrecerle una experiencia personalizada en nuestro Sitio Web.

·       Cookies, dirección IP, web beacons.

·       Atenderle en la prestación de algún servicio de consultoría,desarrollo y/o uso de aplicaciones.

·       Nombre,  correo electrónico.

·       Su interés de ponernos en contacto o hacerle llegar algunainformación de Watt2Trade o los esquemas de distribución de nuestrassoluciones.

·       Nombre, teléfono, correo electrónico y comentarios.

·       Hacerles llegar información publicitaria de los productos yservicios de Watt2Trade, así como de las franquicias bajo su marca.

·       Nombre, dirección, teléfono, mail.

Ustedpuede oponerse a la finalidad de hacerle llegar información publicitaria(finalidad secundaria) en cualquier momento sin que por ello afecte elcumplimiento a las otras finalidades o relación jurídica con usted.

Watt2Tradeen ningún momento recabará información que sea considerada como DatosPersonales Sensibles. Así mismo hacemos de su conocimiento que no toda laInformación que se solicita es obligatoria, sino únicamente aquella que así sele haga saber a través de las solicitudes, registros, formularios, formatos,contratos o correos electrónicos a través de la cual se recabe la información.

Alusar los servicios tenemos su consentimiento de utilizar su informaciónpersonal cuando creemos que es necesario o apropiado para cumplir con las leyesaplicables (incluidas las leyes contra el lavado de dinero (AML) y losrequisitos de conocimiento de su cliente (KYC)), solicitudes legales y procesoslegales, como para responder a citaciones o solicitudes de las autoridadesgubernamentales.


Lascookies son pequeños archivos de texto que un servidor de web envía a lacomputadora del Usuario al entra al sitio Web de Watt2Trade mismas que sirvenpara poder brindarle una mejor atención respecto de nuestros productos y/oservicios. Las cookies de una sesión recuerdan la actividad que Usted llevó acabo anteriormente en el sitio web de Watt2Trade. Las cookies persistentesincluso hacen posible guardar sus preferencias en las diversas sesiones en quevisite el sitio web, lo cual nos permite personalizar, por ejemplo, la maneraen que dicho sitio ponga a disposición del Usuario la información de suinterés.

Asímismo, las cookies pueden utilizarse para evitar que mostremos avisos, noticiasy/o recomendaciones que pudieran interesarle, de conformidad con susactividades anteriores en nuestro sitio web. Las cookies también se usan paraimplementar estrategias que nos permitan elevar la calidad de nuestrosproductos y/o servicios.

Loscontadores de visita o web beacons, son por lo general imágenes gráficas que seponen en un sitio web y se utilizan para contar el número de visitantes a unsitio web o incluso pueden permitir el acceso a algunas cookies. El uso debeacons en nuestro sitio web tiene la finalidad de reflejar estadísticasrespecto de los productos y/o servicios que son de su interés. Estos contadoresde visita normalmente no recopilan información diferente de la que el navegadorproporciona como parte estándar de cualquier navegación en internet. Si Ustedeligiera la opción de desactivación de las cookies en su explorador deinternet, el contador de visitas no podrá seguir rastreando específicamente suactividad.

Algunossitios web o aplicaciones de nuestra página web podrán utilizar objetosalmacenados localmente, como son las cookies de Flash o almacenamiento localcon HTML5. Este tipo de objetos almacenados localmente se utilizan para finessimilares a los de las cookies pero generalmente pueden contener mayor cantidadde datos diferentes a los de las cookies del navegador. Usted puede modificarla configuración de su reproductor Flash mediante el Administrador deconfiguración de conformidad con su preferencia sobre el almacenamiento deobjetos locales compartidos, inclusive desactivar objetos locales compartidossolamente para determinados sitios web o desactivar totalmente elalmacenamiento de objetos locales compartidos para todos los sitios web.

Lamayoría de los navegadores o exploradores de internet le permiten desactivar opermitir el uso de cookies. Usted también puede eliminar las cookies de sucomputadora si su navegador se lo permite. Si desactiva las cookies, es posibleque no pueda usar determinadas partes de nuestro sitio web y que sea necesarioreinstalar una cookie de rechazo. En todo caso, Usted contará con diversasopciones para limitar el acceso de las cookies y web beacons de nuestro sitioweb en su computadora.


Watt2Tradeutiliza la tecnología más avanzada a su alcance para proteger los DatosPersonales proporcionados. Esta tecnología, en el caso del sitio Web, almacenade forma segura y previene la intercepción de los Datos Personalessuministrados. Watt2Trade, a través de la tecnología más avanzada a su alcance,establecerá medidas de seguridad: administrativas, técnicas y físicas quepermitan proteger los datos personales contra daño, pérdida, alteración,destrucción, o el uso, acceso o tratamiento no autorizado.


Paracumplir las finalidades descritas sus datos podrán ser remitidos a proveedores,clientes, distribuidores o partes relacionadas o socios comerciales de Watt2Trade,ya sean nacionales o extranjeros, los cuales, en su caso, destinarán los datospersonales a las mismas finalidades descritas en el presente Aviso dePrivacidad.

Elconsentimiento expreso y/o por escrito para el tratamiento de los datos otransferencias que así lo requieran será recabado a través de las solicitudes,registros, formatos, contratos o cualquier otro medio que para el efectoestablezca Watt2Trade. Las remisiones para las finalidades aquí señaladas norequieren de su consentimiento por situarse dentro de las excepciones delartículo 37 de la Ley, sin embargo, es muy importante para Watt2Trade, que losusted las conozca.


Ustedtendrá derecho a ejercer en todo momento su derecho de acceso, rectificación,cancelación u oposición, así como revocar su consentimiento según loestablecido en la Ley y en el presente Aviso de Privacidad.

Paraejercitar dichos derechos deberán hacernos llegar un correo electrónico a:

Watt2Tradedará respuesta a las solicitudes para el ejercicio de los derechos a que serefiere el presente Aviso de Privacidad, en un máximo de 20 días hábiles o ensu caso notificará a usted la ampliación de este término cuando existan causasque lo justifiquen. Para la atención de cualquiera de los derechos o larevocación del consentimiento será necesario:

1.    Se acredite la identidad del titular o su representante legalcon copia de identificación oficial, y documento donde consten las facultadesdel representante.

2.    Se adjunte a la solicitud los requisitos del artículo 29 de laLey.

Elmedio por el cual requiere se le notifique, obtenga información y de respuestaa su solicitud de entre los cuales podrá elegir: a) vía correo electrónico (mensajes de datos) o; b) vía física (copias simples); en este último caso eltitular o su representante deberán recoger personalmente las notificaciones enlas instalaciones de Watt2Trade.

Parael caso del derecho de acceso Watt2Trade podrá poner a su disposición copiassimples, certificadas, archivos de audio, video, imágenes o mensajes de datossegún corresponda.

Usteden cualquier momento puede limitar el uso o transferencia de sus datosinformando Watt2Trade dicha circunstancia Sin embargo, estos datos sonnecesarios para las finalidades descritas en el presente Aviso de Privacidadpor lo que al no contar con ellos o no permitir su obtención, impediría estaren condiciones para cumplir las finalidades .Para el caso de las finalidades depublicidad y mercadotecnia el Usuario puede, adicional a lo contenido en elpárrafo anterior, inscribirse en el Registro Público de Consumidores previstoen la Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor.


Watt2Trade mantiene revisiones y actualizaciones constantes al presente Aviso dePrivacidad, por lo que es necesario reservarse sus modificaciones. Su última actualización fue realizada: el 09 de abril de 2024.

Cualquiermodificación al presente Aviso de Privacidad será publicada y estará disponiblepublicado en el sitio Web de Watt2Trade y podrá ser solicitada en cualquiermomento por usted ante Watt2Trade.